ON24 Webcast Elite 1000 Agreement BGR012212MS4800 Page 1 of 3 | Confidential. ON24 WEBCAST ELITE 1000 SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT. Name: Blackstone Adminstrative Services. Partnership L.P. by Blackstone Holdings I Sub. GP L.L.C., its general partner. ("Client"). ON24, Inc. ("ON24") Mailing Address: 345 Park Ave Ste 1100. New York, NY 10154-1703. 50 Beale Street, 8th Floor. San Francisco, CA 94105. Country: United States United States Contact Person: Kenneth Kelly Sean Huff. Title: Director, BXTI Voice & Video Account Executive, Expansion - Enterprise. Telephone: (212) 583-5323 2147095519. Email: kellyk@blackstone.com sean.huff@on24.com. Client Billing. Bill to Address: 345 Park Ave Ste 1100 New York NY 10154 United States. Billing Contact: bxii-finance@blackstone.com. Telephone: +1.212.583.5000. Bill to Email: BXII-Finance-Invoices@Blackstone.com; USInvoices@Blackstone.com. Client Ship To. Address: 345 Park Ave Ste 1100 New York NY 10154 United States. Client and ON24 enter into this ON24 WEBCAST ELITE 1000 SUBSCRIPTION Agreement, which includes this. page and all schedules hereto (this "Agreement"), shall become effective when executed by both parties. The. Universal Terms and Conditions Agreement, having an Effective Date of December 14, 2018, shall hereby be. incorporated by reference and shall govern this Agreement (the "Terms"). Capitalized terms used in this Agreement. that are not defined herein shall take their definition from the Terms. The ON24 Webcast Elite 1000 Subscription ordered herein was activated in a prior agreement between the parties. The 12 month period starting on December 21, 2022 (the “Subscription Start Date”) shall be considered the. “Subscription Term.” Any Services or subscription fees that are not used by Client during the Subscription Term. cannot be rolled over to any subsequent term or other agreement. Any additional Services ordered by Client shall be. billed monthly at the rate set forth herein. If Client orders Services that are not listed herein, Client shall be invoiced. at ON24’s then current price. Unless included in this Agreement, the descriptions for Services are located at. https://www.on24.com/descriptions_v221001, and are hereby incorporated by reference. The on-demand access. period for a Webinar shall cease at the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Ordered by: Accepted by: Blackstone Adminstrative Services Partnership L.P. by. Blackstone Holdings I Sub GP L.L.C., its general partner. ON24, Inc. ________________________________________ ________________________________________. Date Date. ________________________________________ ________________________________________. Signature ON24 Authorized Signatory. ________________________________________ ________________________________________. Print Name of Person Signing Print Name of Person Signing. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4596682E-7E40-4E37-BB75-FE16A2089ECB. 12/16/2022. John Stecher. CD5B 9 1-082D-476B-9718-3FF233614843. 12/28/2022. Amit Khetan. / a ’. dehn, Stoner. 7 Dees, 8 06 Dy. owed +. * 5 ll [“. Linnie [mp ga i 4%. SL BOGOR. ON24 Webcast Elite 1000 Agreement BGR012212MS4800 Page 2 of 3 | Confidential. Subscription and Billing. This schedule sets forth the Services ordered by Client pursuant to this Agreement, and the fees for those Services: Subscription Fee USD 85,777.50. ON24 Webcast Elite 1000 Subscription includes the following: - Platform Access during Subscription Term. - Master Account with 2 Workspaces* and 2 Platform Logins**. - Up to 15 Webinars per Subscription Term. Present Live or Simu-Live Webinars up to 1500 viewers. Up to 90 Minute Webinar length. - Up to 1 ON24 Connect. - Up to 3 Video Conference Unit (VCU) Module. - Up to 1 ON24 Engagement Hub. Includes 2 Platform Logins. Includes 50 Content Items. - Up to 1 Advanced Reporting and Analytics(s). - Up to 10 Event Monitoring for Elite(s). - Up to 1 Broadcast Video Module(s). - Up to 1 ON24 Engagement Hub Management (Tier 3)(s). * Master Account ordered herein allows for the delivery of Services by the business unit of Client's Contact Person. in the geographic region of North America (the "Client Region") for Client Attendees. Services delivery by any other. business unit of Client or in a region other than the Client Region would require the order of an additional. Workspace. ** Client agrees that a Login may only be used by the person to whom it is issued and any sharing of a Login shall. be considered a material breach of this Agreement. The Subscription Fee shall increase by 3% each Subscription Term. Billing Terms. Client shall be billed USD 85,777.50 upon execution of the Agreement. Client shall pay all fees within 60 days of. receipt of invoice. (Client may incur charges based on use of Services beyond purchased volume)Webinar Overages Fees. Additional Webinars USD 1,850.00 Per Webinar. Additional Minutes (Up to a maximum of 4 total hours Webinar length) USD 500.00 Per 30 Minutes. Additional Attendees USD 500.00 Per 250 Attendees. (Client may order Service Packs via Client’s Platform Account)Service Packs. Webinar Speaker Training & Dry Run - Additional USD 700.00 Per Package. Webinar Transcripts - Additional USD 850.00 Per Package. Live Audio Translation Service Package - Additional USD 3,800.00 Per Package. Event Monitoring for Elite - Additional Monitoring Package USD 850.00 Per Package. Event Management for Elite - Additional Event Packages USD 1,950.00 Per Package. Live Webinar Closed Captioning - Additional USD 850.00 Per Package. Premium Webcast Elite Training - Additional Package USD 1,750.00 Per Package. High Profile Event Management for Elite - Additional Packages USD 3,000.00 Per Package. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4596682E-7E40-4E37-BB75-FE16A2089ECBCD5B 9 1-082D-476B-9718-3FF233614843. / a ’. ON24 Webcast Elite 1000 Agreement BGR012212MS4800 Page 3 of 3 | Confidential. (Client may order additional Services via submission and execution of an ordering document)Additional Services. Platform Login(s) (Additional) USD 11,000.00 Per Year. Platform Workspace(s) (Additional) USD 22,000.00 Per Year. Large Event Reservation Fee * USD 250.00 Per 250 Viewers. *The Large Event Reservation Fee is payable upon ON24’s approval of an Attendee Limit increase requested by. Client (via the submission of a large event request ticket) regardless of the number of Attendees who attend the. Webinar. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4596682E-7E40-4E37-BB75-FE16A2089ECBCD5B 9 1-082D-476B-9718-3FF233614843. / a ’.