Notice ID: OP-29122-4. Date: March 28, 2023. Payment Terms: Net 30. Bill To: Blackstone Administrative Services L.P. Ship To: Blackstone Administrative Services L.P. 345 Park Ave 345 Park Ave. New York, NY 10154 New York, NY 10154. TYPE OF LICENSE QUANTITY START DATE END DATE THREE YEAR FEE. 1 PU + (29) Power Users +. Unlimited General Users. 1 02/01/2023 01/31/2026 85,268.82$. 1 PU + (29) Power Users +. Unlimited General Users 1. 02/01/2023 01/31/2026 71,288.25$. 1 PU + (29) Power Users +. Unlimited General Users 1. 02/01/2023 01/31/2026 57,307.65$. Mobile Support Capabilities (Web. Interface) - Unlimited Users. 1 02/01/2023 01/31/2026 -$. 24X5 Support 1 02/01/2023 01/31/2026 -$. TYPE OF LICENSE QUANTITY START DATE END DATE THREE YEAR FEE. Additional Power Users 5 02/01/2023 01/31/2026 35,535.00$. Additional Power Users 5 02/01/2023 01/31/2026 -$. Additional Power Users 5 02/01/2023 01/31/2026 -$. Quote Total (USD): 249,399.72$. Excluding Taxes. Date: Name (Print): __________________________________ Title: FM:Systems Signature: __________________________ Date: Name (Print): __________________________________ Title: Blackstone Administrative Services Partnership L.P. By: Blackstone Holdings I. –Sub GP L.L.C., its General Partner: ____________________________. Note: $83,133.24 to be invoiced annually. This notice serves to inform you of the upcoming renewal of your Services in place with FM:Systems Group LLC (“FM:Systems”). This renewal is subject to the terms and conditions of the. current licensing or master subscription agreement entered into between you and FM:Systems (the “Agreement”). Any fees associated with this renewal will be invoiced and paid in. accordance with the terms of the Agreement. By remitting payment for and/or accepting the Services set forth below, you hereby ratify and agree to be bound by the terms of the. Agreement, or the current version of the Master Services Agreement, located on the Software Subscription and Hosted Services Agreement dated September 9, 2017, whichever the case. may be. Unless pursuant to a signed amendment, any additional terms, including any such terms presented in a purchase order, acknowledgement form, invoice or other document. exchanged between the parties that are inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement or this Renewal Quote shall be void and of no effect. RENEWAL QUOTE. FM:Systems Group LLC. 2301 Sugar Bush Road, Suite 500. Raleigh, NC 27612. FM WORKPLACE SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION Workplace Management Suite (Space, Asset & SP) - up to 4MM Sq Ft. Move Management - up to 4MM Sq Ft. Real Estate and Lease Management - up to 4MM Sq Ft. FM:Mobile. Extended Support. SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 PURCHASE. SPACE-SaaS-PU's. MOVE-SaaS-PU's. PU-SaaS-STRATEGIC PLANNING.